JUST IN: 40 Years After: US-Based Man Writes Emotional Tribute to Father, Family Set For Memorial Service, to Open a Foundation

US-based mechanical engineer, Dr Azuka Anyiam announces family’s plan to hold their father’s 40th memorial service, also revealing their plan to launch a foundation to honour the late patriarch.

Dr Azuka Anyiam made this known in a flyer he shared online, while making available to Naijafreshgist.com a flowing and emotional tribute he has written for his father.

Engr Dr Azuka, who is well known for his human community development, welfare support and advocacy wrote thus:

A Tribute To My Lovely Father

August 10, 1984,

is a day I will always remember in sadness,

in sorrow and deep agony.

It’s a

day that dealt a

devastating blow to me

and the entire Anyiam’s

family, the world fell on

us and left me hollow. It

is now 40 years dad, 40

years of struggle and

perseverance without

you, 40 years of pains

and crying that you were

not here to see your

children and

grandchildren grow and

take care of you.

I write this tribute with

eyes filled with tears and

a heavy heart, but the

Lord comforts me daily

with thoughts of the life

you have lived, a life of

magnanimity, a life of

empowerment, charity,

decency, selfless service

to humanity, a life worthy

of emulation. I love you

dad, and I miss you so much.

Your death is by far the most devastating, heart-ripping and life-changing incident I’ve ever experienced. And even though it is 40 years today, the heartbreak of losing you never left me,

and the agony deepens. Dad not only were you my father, but you were also my greatest role� model, my hero, my inspiration, and my rock.�


Dad, I saw you as a symbol of justice for the oppressed; a beacon of hopes for the forgotten,

a fighter for the weak and spent your life fighting unfair domination, bigotry, oppression,

dishonesty, and personal and institutional corruption. It was through you that I learned

lessons about how to struggle against immorality and dishonesty, as well as lessons to

overcome the structures of prejudice, chauvinism, deceit and moribund innuendoes and evil


When I think of your story, your resolve, opportunities and identity were shaped strongly in

your believe in democratization, women empowerment, and freedom of speech. All my life,

I have watched you fight to breakdown all barriers to justice and equity, barriers to education

and cheating and sectional domination.

Struggle and hard work framed your young adulthood, you were determined to pull yourself

and your family out of the dearth of poverty, and you were determined to put yourself in a

position where you could speak up for the millions whom you felt did not have a voice. You

were a voice to the weak and the forgotten. You made education the center point policy for

growth and prosperity and to overcome all barriers of oppressions and success. Dad, your

story is as vast as it is fascinating. Your kind was rare. You were a teacher of all things. Your

method was simple. You taught by example. Your character is the foundation of the

conscience of many of those who encountered you, who worked with you and who were part

of your life. Your teachings are endless. You were strong in body, in spirit, and in commitment.

You fulfilled every obligation you ever undertook. Your words were your bond. This is why

people called and named you “Akwa Akwuru”. You broke many barriers. You are a loss that

nothing can replace. You had a quiet dignity, respecting yourself the way you respected

others. Although you are no more, today, however, we have the privilege of celebrating

someone who epitomizes leadership, honesty and integrity; someone whose life reflects a

heart of service and commitment to faith, family, and friends.

Dad, I will never miss an opportunity to speak of what a great father you were and how you

never missed an opportunity to speak about how your greatest pride and joy were your

children, all fourteen of us. You were always supportive to every one of us in our personal,

professional, and educational lives. You struggled to make sure you gave us the very best

education. Dad, you were the greatest philanthropist, and you never publicized the deeds

you did for people. Over the decades, I saw you educate countless of youths to further

themselves in school. You had a heart of gold, and it is incredibly empowering and

inspirational to see just how infinite your reach has been.

You always taught me to be honest and objective. At the other end of your spectrum was your

tenacity, temperament, and pride of self-esteem. I would not be the person that I am today

without you Dad. You helped equip me with some essential reflective tools for challenging� systems of oppression. And you taught me basic things, to confront my own struggles, to

always stand up for what I think is right, to always be kind and never cruel, to never forget

how to cry and to never put myself in a position where anyone would undermine my integrity

or my virtue. These are lessons I religiously carry with me every day of my life.

In everything I do Dad, I have felt your hand on my shoulder, especially when things got tough

to deal with. I have heard your words of encouragement, I have heard your advice, and I even

heard your reprimand. I promise to abide by everything you taught me as if you were right

there watching and guiding me. And while I know that I have my memories of you, I also know

that your spirit will live on in my heart. They often say that “Love leaves a memory no one can

steal, but death leaves a memory no one can heal.” It is a loving memory for me when I think

about your life and all you did for me and my siblings. The good memories will remain with

us forever, knowing the ability imparted by you into our lives. I’ve never heard you complain

or compare yourself to others. You accept people for who they are, including yourself. That’s

a rare quality, and it creates an environment of love and understanding.

Dad, your life, your influence, your legacy, your struggles, your energy will always be

remembered and for that we are launching Hilary Ozurumba Anyiam Foundation. This

foundation will focus on education and helping the needy, the weak, the forgotten and the

poor. You made things happen, and you made them happen right. You’re the living

embodiment of discipline.

I feel so blessed to have you as my father and I’m thankful for the wonderful life you have

given me. The legacy you left is what makes me what I am today and keeps me progressing

in life. I’ll do my best to carry on in your footsteps dear Dad.

My Super dad, my number one dad, everything I have written in this tribute mirrors the hearts

and minds of each one of my fourteen siblings and our mothers. I know that I speak for them

as much as I speak for myself. No matter how much success you achieve, it never goes to

your head. And when faced with failure, you bounce back with the spirit of a true champion.

Your childlike innocence and unwavering enthusiasm are truly remarkable.

Dad, you are in my heart, and I will always love and miss you. You brought so much joy to our

family, more than you’ll ever know. I salute you; I honor you for an infinite number of reasons,

I celebrate you, and I thank you for so much more than I can express with these words. My

gratitude to you is endless. You’re a problem solver, a true force to be reckoned with. You’re

my anchor, my inspiration, and my guiding light. I love you more than words can express. In

this moment, in every moment, you are and always will be my hero, role model and �everything.


Thank you for displaying to me the power of humor, how to read a room and the art of

diplomacy through your actions!

Thanks for showing me what kindness, integrity, honor, patriotism, and loyalty look like!

Thank you for teaching me the importance of family!

Thank you for always encouraging me to be the very best version of myself!

Thank you for reprimanding me when I did wrong and always using it as a teachable moment!

Thank you for keeping our family as one united unit and ensuring that my siblings and I always

maintained peace and tranquility!

Thank you for engaging in so many businesses to provide our family with a comfortable


Thank you for teaching me about equality and the importance of accepting those who may

not be like me or as privileged as me!

Thank you for imparting the importance of education to me!

Thank you for giving me so much confidence to rise to the challenge of any venture I embark


Thank you for teaching me the importance of humility, philanthropy, and the remarkable

power of emotional and financial generosity!

Thank you for showing me what it means to be a good man, an extraordinary citizen, and an

outstanding father!

Thank you for loving me so much!

Thank you for being you!

I love you with all my heart to the moon and back Dad.


Dr. Hyacinth Azuka Anyiam


The planned memorial ceremony is coming forty years after the death of their father, Late Hillary Ozurumba Anyiam, who was popularly known in his time as Akwa-Akwuru.

The Ozurumba Anyiam family plans to use the occasion to open OZURUMBA ANYIAM FOUNDATION in the loving memory of their beloved father.


📌 Naijafreshgist.com

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